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About Us

About Us

Uncomplicated Kitchen is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in western North Carolina. We work to improve food security through educational outreach. Our mission is to teach community members how to plan meals, shop for ingredients, and cook healthy, simple and affordable recipes. We bridge the gap between the food people have access to and the tools and knowledge they have to prepare nutritious meals for themselves and their families. Whether people shop at the farmers market, grocery store, or receive food through charitable organizations, Uncomplicated Kitchen teaches our community that healthy food is affordable and simple.


Most of our recipes are pantry-centered because we believe that having certain essential ingredients on hand is key to successful home cooking. We combine these pantry basics - whole grains, herbs, spices, and/or legumes - with a few fresh ingredients to create simple, affordable, nutritious, and delicious recipes that anyone can make.


The Uncomplicated Kitchen Crew


Uncomplicated Kitchen serves everyone regardless of age, experience, skill, or circumstance. We draw on professionals and DIYers in the community to share their knowledge and expertise with our students. Cooking isn't just about pricey ingredients, expensive gadgets, or fancy dishes. It's about making delicious, healthy food within the constraints of our busy, everyday lives.


Uncomplicated Kitchen is all about: 


  • planning meals mindfully

  • purchasing appropriate ingredients, sourcing locally when available

  • transforming inexpensive and simple ingredients into tasty and healthy dishes 

  • using multipurpose kitchen tools that are simple to use

  • reducing or eliminating household food waste

  • preparing make-ahead meals 


Uncomplicated Kitchen is for those who love to cook or hate to cook. It's for those who have a recipe to share or those looking for fellowship around a warm stove with new friends. It's also for those who are stuck in a food rut and those who are intimidated by that dusty pressure cooker taking up valuable space in their cabinet.  Our cooking classes are a place to  gather, learn, cook, and be social. Come join us!


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